Saturday, February 5, 2011

Top 10 Action Movies-Alltime

Hi Folks,
From quite some time i am watching all sorts of movies like Action, Romance, Thriller, Sci-Fi and lots of crappy movies and became a movie junky. Now i am going to Share some of my favorite action movies.
I hope you will like them and Please leave some comments it will encourage me to put some more favorite list.


1) Predator- Arnie has made so many memorable action film that its debatable as to which is his best. Personally I thought Predator had a great action packed story, interesting characters, and unforgetable scenes
Predator (Widescreen Collector's Edition)
Predator [Blu-ray]
Predator (Ultimate Hunter Edition) [Blu-ray]

2) Under Siege - The best of the Steven Siegal movies, and also thought Tommy Lee Jones played an awesome bad guy.
Under Siege [Blu-ray]

Under Siege (Keepcase)

3) True Lies - Another spectacular Arnie movie with plenty of memorable scenes that can be watched over and over again. It was a unique story with Arnie juggling his life as a spy and that of a husband concerned about his marriage.
True Lies

4) Kill Bill Volume one and two - By far the best martial arts action movie of all time, each individual combat scene was done the best it could have been done and some funny and interesting dialog.
Kill Bill - Volume One
Kill Bill - Volume One [Blu-ray]
Kill Bill - Volume Two
Kill Bill - Volume Two [Blu-ray]

5) Brave Heart - Like I said earlier this is the best battle movie I've seen, and even though the ending is fairly tragic it portrays the character of William Wallace and what he was able to inspire.
Braveheart (Special Collector's Edition)
Braveheart (Sapphire Series) [Blu-ray]

6) Terminator 2 - I've seen this movie that many times I've lost count, some of the best Arnie quotes and especially liked the opening and ending scenes as well as the motor bike/truck chase scene.
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Skynet Edition) [Blu-ray]

7) First Blood - Only slightly better than the rest of the Rambo movies, manly for the plot and the way that the character of John Rambo was explained.
First Blood
First Blood [Blu-ray]

8) Speed - One of the only Keanu Reeves films I like, I also liked the part played by Dennis Hopper as the bad guy.
Speed (Widescreen Edition)
Speed [Blu-ray]

9) Bourne Ultimatum - A part from the Kill Bill movies this is the most entertaining and memorable action films I've seen in recent years.
The Bourne Ultimatum (Widescreen Edition)
The Bourne Ultimatum (Full Screen Edition)
Bourne Ultimatum (Single-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo)
The Bourne Trilogy (The Bourne Identity | The Bourne Supremacy | The Bourne Ultimatum)

10) Die Hard - No one plays the part of an alcholic messed up rouge cop like Bruce Willis. And while I thought that part 3 was slightly better, this one is still has to be considered in the top 10 action movies of all time.
Die Hard
Die Hard Collection (Die Hard/ Die Hard 2: Die Harder/ Die Hard with a Vengeance/ Live Free or Die Hard) [Blu-ray]
Die Hard - The Ultimate Collection (Die Hard / Die Hard 2 / Die Hard with a Vengeance / Live Free or Die Hard Two-Disc Special Editions)
Die Hard Collection (Die Hard / Die Hard 2 - Die Harder / Die Hard with a Vengeance / Bonus Disc)

You Can also Download Lots of Legal Movies from links Below
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